Photos from Mostar, Bosnia, Spring 2003
Jack Campin
Taken on colour print film with an Olympus mju-II pocket camera.
Shelled house, taken from the train near Mostar
Strafed house, taken from the train near Mostar
Bombed college just north of Mostar
Minaret near the Mostar bridge
Turkish workers repairing the Mostar bridge
A slightly confused sign at the Mostar bridge
Cats near the Mostar bridge
Junk shop near the Mostar bridge (sewing machine and ammo belt)
Cafe under a bombed building
Wheelie bin and machine gun damage
Two views of the same bombed building:
Two mosques:
Mostar graffiti:
Something about Israel
Oh My God, They Killed Kenny
Animal on a spit
Tito (looking down at the bridge)
Something about Bush and Saddam
Lettuce and tobacco sellers
Street stall
Marion at Mostar fabric shops (see Sarajevo page too):
Fabric shop 1
Fabric shop 2
Fabric shop 3
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